It is our honor to welcome you to ARTA Portugal Meeting and 1st Istvan Urban Alumni & Friends International Symposium.
The purpose of this event is to share experiences, learn from colleagues, revisit friends and develop new acquaintances from our elite guest speakers – Professor David Gonzalez and Professor Ronald Jung – who will share best practices of hard and soft tissue regeneration, challenging you to consider alternative perspectives within the ever-changing modern dentistry.
The Symposium will be held on 26-27th October, 2018. A day before, there will be the 1st Istvan Urban Alumni & Friends International Symposium. Our guest Istvan Urban Alumni speakers consist of an excellent group of clinicians who will present their experience in ridge and tissue augmentation applying Professor Istvan Techniques.
There will be also the possibility to join several hands-on workshops with limited number of attendees.
Do not miss it and enjoy your stay in Portugal.
Liliana Silva.